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Self-Discipline – Persevering Until You Reach Your Goals

Micheal Peterson
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In sales, there exists a fine line of difference between success and failure, which comes down to one indispensable trait: discipline. Discipline is all about pushing yourself forward regardless of the internal or external stimuli that may influence your professional journey.

Whether you’re just starting out or a professional salesperson, maintaining discipline is instrumental in achieving your career goals.

Jeffrey Masquelier, in his epic sales guide, Promoted, provides you with practical tips and valuable insights into cracking the success code in the sales profession.

Let’s break the concept down for you in this blog.

Why Discipline Matters in Sales?

Besides academic qualifications and effective communication skills, discipline is what aligns your ambitions with your goals. Here is how discipline paves your path toward success in sales.


Consistency refers to the actions you take to achieve a disciplined approach and mindset. It involves developing a daily routine that helps you maintain focus on what you do best. Build and nurture your professional attributes – prospecting and following up on leads to ensure you don’t miss any potential opportunity. Clients value consistency and reliability. You build trust and credibility when you show consistency in meeting deadlines and fulfilling your promises.

Goal Achievement

People with successful careers in sales always set smaller, achievable benchmarks with clear goals. Thanks to discipline, they stay on track, even when faced with setbacks or missed opportunities. The ability to persist in the face of failure is crucial. Discipline helps you keep going, refining your approach and learning from each experience.


Discipline begets self-motivation. In sales, pushing yourself to the extra mile – a last-minute call or a follow-up email increases your chances of success. Maintaining a disciplined approach is vital for cracking the code of success in sales, as it fosters a positive mindset, which is crucial in closing deals.

Time Management

Discipline helps you prioritize your tasks. Focusing on important and result-oriented activities like nurturing leads and closing deals ensures you spend your precious time where it counts the most. Adhering to a disciplined schedule can help you manage your time more efficiently, reducing stress and increasing overall productivity.

Building Relationships

Consistent follow-ups and check-ins show clients that you are a reliable and dedicated salesperson. Showing consistency and taking a disciplined approach fosters stronger, long-term relationships. Clients trust disciplined salespeople who consistently deliver on their promises and maintain professional standards.

How to Develop Discipline in Sales?

Here’s how you can develop discipline in your sales domain.

Set Goals

You must set clear goals. Follow the SMART Framework. Your goals should be:






But don’t stop there – break your overall target into smaller benchmarks. Set daily and weekly targets to maintain momentum and track progress.

Build a Routine

Start your day planning and prioritizing. Mark specific time slots for hunting down leads, wowing clients, and tackling other important tasks. Stick to a plan, even when you feel bogged down uncalled-for expectations. Remember, consistency builds habits, and habits lead to success.

Overcome Obstacles

Every profession offers opportunities and challenges, and Sales is no exception. Seek help and learn from your peers about how they address issues and overcome the hurdles in sales. Take a strategic approach to solving problems. Use challenges as opportunities for growth.

Monitor Progress

Keep track of your activities and results. Review your progress regularly and adjust your plans accordingly. Reflect on what will work and what won’t. Taking a disciplined approach, remaining consistent, and learning from setbacks are crucial to long-term success in Sales.

Discipline Is the Backbone of a Successful Sales Career

Remember, the path to success in Sales doesn’t come easy. It’s a steep learning curve. It’s all about showing up day after day, putting in your best effort, and staying committed to your goals. The disciplined salesperson often outperforms their more talented but less consistent peers in the long run.

Grab Jeffrey Masquelier’s comprehensive sales guide Promoted now. It’s available on Amazon.

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