When to Hire a Social Security Disability Lawyer

There are a lot of things in our society that are good and a lot of things that are bad. Many people would, for instance, consider the ability to make a right turn on red as a good thing and the homelessness problem to be a bad thing. One of the good things in our society is Social Security.

Social Security has been around for a long time and has helped countless people throughout the years. It helps to provide financial assistance during times of need, whether it is due to unemployment or disability, and can be used as an income supplement when someone retires.

It also provides health insurance coverage for those who are unable to pay their own medical bills due to illness or injury, which can make all the difference in keeping family members healthy and out of poverty during difficult times.

In addition to providing financial security, social security also offers peace of mind knowing that if something happens that affects your ability to earn money you will still have some form of safety net available so you don’t find yourself completely without resources should something happen such as an unexpected job loss or disability In short, social security can be a real lifesaver in many situations where other forms help may not be available.

While most people know about Social Security benefits there are sometimes cases where specialized legal advice may need from a qualified Social Security Disability lawyer. When might you need one of these lawyers and what do they do? Let’s explore this further.

What is Social Security?

Social Security is a government-run program that provides financial benefits to eligible individuals and families. It is funded payroll taxes and managed the U.S. Social Security Administration, which oversees the distribution of benefits for people who qualify for them based on their age, disability, or other factors related to their employment history or income level.

People who may be eligible for social security include:

  • Retirees:
    • People who have reached the age of retirement and are no longer working can qualify for social security benefits.
  • Disabled individuals:
    • Individuals with a disability that prevents them from working may be eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
  • Widows/widowers:
    • A widow or widower may be able to receive survivor’s benefits if their spouse had qualified for Social Security prior to passing away.
  • Families of retired, disabled, or deceased workers:
    • When a worker has passed away, his/her family members may also be eligible for certain types of financial assistance through Social Security.
  • Children under 18 years old:
    • Children who are under the age of 18 and whose parents have passed away may also qualify for certain types of social security payments depending on the circumstances surrounding their parent’s death.

Social security is often seen as an important part of helping people maintain financial stability during difficult times in life such as when they become disabled or when they retire after many years at work but it is not just limited to those two situations either there are other laws related to things like taxation which can all make up this comprehensive program called “social security”

The laws related to Social Security include:

  • The Social Security Act of 1935:
    • This established the Social Security program and set up the framework for how benefits would be distributed.
  • The Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001:
    • This law made changes to tax rates related to Social Security income, as well as other provisions that affected beneficiaries.
  • The Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003:
    • This law established Part D prescription drug coverage under Medicare.
  • The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010:
    • This law increased access to health care making it more affordable for many people who had previously been unable to obtain insurance due to pre-existing conditions or other factors.

While Social Security can provide much-needed financial assistance for those who qualify, it is important to understand the laws and regulations that govern the program in order to ensure that you are receiving all of the benefits that you are entitled to. In some cases, this may mean seeking legal advice from a qualified Social Security Disability lawyer.

Why Hire a Social Security Disability Lawyer? | Balin Law

Why Consider Hiring a Social Security Lawyer

When it comes to Social Security, there are certain situations that can become complicated and require more specialized knowledge than what the average person may possess. This is where a qualified Social Security lawyer comes in handy. They have the experience and expertise to help those who are seeking benefits determine if they qualify for them, as well as how much they should receive.

Here are some scenarios when you might need to consider hiring a social security disability lawyer:

  • When applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI):
    • A disability attorney can help guide you through every step of the application process in order to maximize your chances of success.
  • When appealing denied claims or applications:
    • If your claim has been denied due to insufficient evidence or missing paperwork, an experienced attorney can help you make sure all the necessary documents are filed in order to appeal the decision.
  • When applying for survivor benefits:
    • If your spouse or parent has passed away and you are eligible to receive survivor benefits, a lawyer can ensure that all of the required paperwork is completed correctly and in a timely manner.
  • When dealing with back pay issues:
    • Social Security lawyers have specialized knowledge when it comes to calculating back payments due from retroactive claims or appeals.
  • When appealing denials based on work activity limitations:
    • If your claim was denied because of impairment-related work activities (IRWAs), an experienced disability lawyer can provide guidance on how best to prove that your disability prevents you from performing certain duties, so as not to be disqualified due to too much “gainful activity” earning income over what is allowed Social Security guidelines.
  • In cases where there may be other legal issues involved such as fraud allegations or disputes between beneficiaries:
    • Disability attorneys have experience dealing with these types of matters and know how best to handle them if they arise during the application process.

Hiring a social security lawyer does come at a cost but this doesn’t mean it isn’t worth considering depending on each individual’s situation. It is important to weigh the pros and cons of hiring a disability attorney before making any decisions.

Here are some benefits that come with hiring a social security lawyer:

  • They can provide guidance on how best to fill out your application or appeal in order to maximize your chances of success:
    • Lawyers, as you’re probably aware, go to school to learn the law, and they’re familiar with all of the nuances that can make or break a case.
  • They have expertise on how to handle any legal issues that may arise:
    • Disability lawyers know exactly how to prepare a legal argument in order to prove your case if there are any disputes over eligibility or paperwork mistakes.
  • They can help you navigate through complex paperwork and deadlines:
    • Lawyers understand all of the necessary forms needed for an application as well as what needs to be done in order for it to be accepted the Social Security Administration (SSA). This includes ensuring everything is filled out correctly, submitting documents on time, etc.
  • They are knowledgeable about federal laws related to social security benefits:
    • A qualified attorney will have knowledge about not only social security but also other laws such as taxation which could affect benefit payments received from SSA.
  • Lastly, they provide peace of mind knowing you’re working with someone who knows what they’re doing when it comes navigating through this process so you don’t end up losing out due to some small mistake made along the way which would otherwise lead to much bigger problems down the road:
    • This is pretty important because you don’t want to accidentally end up with a fraud or perjury case against you.

Hiring a Social Security Disability lawyer as opoposed to a car accident attorney can be a tricky situation and it is important to make sure that you are working with someone who has the experience and knowledge to get you the best outcome possible.

It is also important to remember that there are other options available for those who cannot afford an attorney or choose not to hire one, such as applying through your local Social Security office or seeking assistance from a non-profit organization.

Getting The Best Possible Outcome for Your Social Security Case

Winning a court case can be an incredibly rewarding experience. It’s not only the financial reward that makes it worthwhile but also the sense of justice and vindication that comes with proving your case in court. Knowing that you have successfully fought for something important and won is a feeling like no other, especially when it has to do with winning benefits from Social Security due to disability or retirement age.

Micheal Peterson

Micheal Peterson